Journey to the monastery above the abyss
Saghmosavank Monastery
Saghmosavank is an Armenian apostolic monastery on the eastern outskirts of the village of Saghmosavan, Aragatsotn region of Armenia. The main buildings of the monastery were erected by Prince Vache Vachutyan. The monastery complex consists of three main buildings adjacent to each other:
  • temple "Surb Zion"
  • matenadarana (library).
  • gavita (narthex).
Saghmosavank was one of the richest and most famous spiritual centers of medieval Armenia.
Like most Armenian monasteries, Saghmosavank is not a town of heterogeneous buildings behind a fortress wall, or even a courtyard, but a dense conglomerate of several buildings: the 1250s.
On the facade of the gavit there are many khachkars and simple crosses carved by pilgrims, but the most impressive are the “Stars of the Tympanum”
Between the peaks of Aragats and Arailer, without knowing about the existence of the canyon, you do not feel that a few kilometers to the right of the road lies one of the natural wonders of Armenia. This is a rather narrow gorge, which from a great height looks like a deep “scar” on a relatively flat earth surface.
You can approach the gorge in different places, turning east from the Ashtarak-Aparan highway. The most favorable time to travel to this area is late summer and early autumn. You can use a car from our fleet, you can find out full information on our website car rental Yerevan price.
But in spring and early summer, when the gardens are blooming in the valley, the alpine meadows are covered with a multi-colored “carpet”, and the mountain peaks are still covered in snow, the gorge also presents a beautiful sight. Many seasonal waterfalls are formed from melting snow on the plateau and with their “roar” they disturb the silence of local everyday life.
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